Dual Enrollment in maryland


Dual enrollment refers to any broad array of programs and opportunities that allow high school students to enroll in and take college courses.  This includes programs in which students are enrolled in a dual enrollment course through a partnership agreement with their local school system and thereby receive both high school and college credit.  Dual enrollment also occurs when high school students independently enroll in courses at a college and only earn college credits.  

State law, requires the MLDS Center to report on:

  1. The number of students who are dually enrolled;¹ and
  2. The number and course name of the courses in which a student dually enrolls at the high school and at the public institution of higher education.

Required reporting

In prior years, the above requirement was fulfilled by the Annual Dual Enrollment Report. However, recent legislation changed that requirement from a report to “easy-to-understand graphic data dashboards.”  Accordingly, the following graphic data dashboards are in fulfillment of this requirement:


In addition to this report, the MLDS Center provides a lot of additional information on Dual Enrollment.

See the links below to navigate to the following components of the report.