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Research Agenda

The Maryland Longitudinal Data System (MLDS) Center receives data from multiple sources to establish a data system that contains detailed information about Maryland students, their educational experiences and outcomes, their interaction with child welfare and juvenile services, the degrees and credentials they obtain, and their workforce experiences and outcomes. State law directs the Center to use the MLDS to conduct research to improve the State’s education system and guide decision making by state and local governments, educational agencies, institutions, teachers, and other education professionals.

Research AgendaAs required by state law, the MLDS Governing Board is required to establish a Research Agenda that:

  1. Delineates the Governing Board’s priorities for research topics and areas of analysis;
  2. Establishes the parameters for acceptable use of the system;
  3. Ensures that the work of the Center is in compliance with the above statutory requirements;
  4. Provides guidance to the Center on annual output priorities, and
  5. Informs the decision on approval of research and reporting project proposals.

On June 9, 2023, the MLDS Governing Board Meeting approved this new Research Agenda.