This series of dashboards examines the college-going patterns of Maryland public high school graduates, whether they obtain a college degree by age 25, and the median quarterly wages for high school graduates with and without a college degree by age 25. The first dashboard provides statewide data. The next two dashboards provide data at the state, local school system, and school levels. The remaining dashboards provide analysis by residency (in-state vs. out-of-state) and institution type (community college, four-year public institution, or state-aided independent institution) and financial aid source (those who received loans, were awarded grants, and whose families are not expected to make a financial contribution to their educational costs). Results across the dashboards are available by gender, race, ethnicity and economic status.
- College Enrollment Overview
- College Enrollment and Degree Trends
- Median Quarterly Wage Trends
- College Enrollment by Residency (In-State vs. Out-of-State)
- College Enrollment by Institution Type
- College Enrollment, Retention, Degree Attainment and Wages by Financial Aid Source
- Download the aggregate suppressed tables for the Enrollment, Degree and Wage Trends dashboards by clicking here
This series of dashboards provides information on dually enrolled Maryland public high school students. Dual Enrollment is defined in Education Article §18-14A-01 of the Annotated Code of Maryland as a student that is concurrently enrolled in high school and college.
- Statewide Dual Enrollment Trends
- County Dual Enrollment Trends
- Dual Enrollment Course Offerings
This dashboard is provided pursuant to Education Article § 24-703.1, Annotated Code of Maryland, which requires the MLDS Center to annually produce, on or before December 15th of each year, a dashboard on youth experiencing homelessness and their participation in higher education in Maryland.
- Homelessness and Higher Education Participation
This dashboard is submitted pursuant to Education Article § 24-703.1, Annotated Code of Maryland, which requires the MLDS Center to annually produce, on or before December 15th of each year, a dashboard on foster care youth and their participation in higher education in Maryland.
- Foster Care and Higher Education Participation