Presentations Presentations, workshops, lectures, and other similar facilitated sessions are conducted by MLDS Center staff to disseminate information from Center research and other projects. Please select a presentation below to review and then download. |
- School Concentrated Poverty as a Driver of Educational Inequities (Maryland Statewide Health Equity Conference, Dec. 2020)
- Adolescent Homelessness and Long-term Educational and Workforce Outcomes: New Evidence from the Maryland Longitudinal Data System (Beyond Housing Conference, Jan. 2020)
- Student and School Concentrated Poverty: What Are the Long-Term Consequences for Academic and Career Outcomes? (University of Maryland Baltimore County, Nov. 2019)
- Applying Longitudinal Data Analysis Methods to Examine Poverty as a Predictor of Wage Trajectories (Morgan State University, Oct. 2019)
- Applying Longitudinal Data Analysis Methods to Examine Poverty as a Predictor of Wage Trajectories (NCES STATS-DC Conference, July 2019)
- Poverty and Long-Term Outcomes: Evidence from Linked Administrative Data in Maryland (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, May 2019)
- The Role of Concentrated Poverty and Race in Long-Term Academic and Workforce Outcomes (Task Force on Reconciliation and Equity, May 2019)
- The Impact of Poverty and Race on Long-Term Academic and Career Outcomes in Maryland Students (University of Maryland School of Social Work, Mar. 2019)
- Using Longitudinal Data to Assess Long-Term Outcomes Associated with Poverty in Maryland Students (SSWR Conference, Jan. 2019)
- Growing Up in Poverty: Leveraging Statewide Linked Administrative Data to Examine Long-Term College and Workforce Outcomes (SRCD Conference, Oct. 2018)
- Disentangling Student and School Poverty: Examining Long-Term Educational and Career Outcomes in Maryland (University of Maryland School of Social Work, Oct. 2018)
- Poverty and Long-Term Educational Outcomes: Variation by Level of School Poverty, Student Poverty, and Local School System (Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education, Aug. 2018)
- The Role of Concentrated Poverty and Race in Long-Term Academic Outcomes (Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education, July 2018)
Poverty during childhood and adolescence has been linked to long-term outcomes in many areas of life, including physical health, academic achievement, social and emotional functioning, education completion, and workforce wages. Long term educational outcomes are also greatly influenced by the schools students attend because the educational experience reflects the resources, curriculum, and composition of the school. The presentations contained here explore the relationships between individual and school concentrated poverty on long-term outcomes in Maryland. By specifically examining Maryland students, schools, school systems, and state-wide systems, and identifying the mechanisms through which poverty influences outcomes, the information gained through these studies can be directly applied by policymakers to support Maryland students and schools.
- Building a Bridge to Graduation in Maryland (Presentation at Stats DC, August 2021)
- A Bridge to Graduation: Testing the Effects of an Alternative Pathway for Students Who Fail Exit Exams (Presentation to MSDE, March 2021)
- A Bridge to Graduation: Testing the Effects of an Alternative Pathway for Students Who Fail Exit Exams (Presentation to AEFP, March 2021)
- Professional Staff Diversity and Student Outcomes (Presentation at AEFP, March 2021)
- Prevalence and Upstream Predictors of Remedial Education in Maryland Community Colleges (SSWR Conference, Jan. 2019)
- Remedial Coursework in Maryland Community Colleges: Disentangling Student and High School Level Predictors (SSWR Conference, Jan. 2019)
- Remedial Coursework in Maryland Colleges: Examining High School Predictors and College Outcomes (MD AIR Conference, Nov. 2016)
- Characteristics and Employment Outcomes of Post-secondary STEM Graduates in Maryland (MSDE Data Summit, June 2016)
- Correlates and Consequences of On-Time Graduation (MSDE Data Summit, June 2016)
- High School Predictors of Needing Remedial Coursework in College (MSDE Data Summit, June 2016)
- Workforce Outcomes in Maryland: Patterns among Students by Achievement Level (MSDE Data Summit, June 2016)
- Successful Transition from High School to Postsecondary: Targeting Policy and Practice to Prevent the Need for Remedial Coursework (SRA Conference, Mar. 2016)
Educational predictors, such as coursetaking behavior, attendance, or test scores, can be used to predict academic outcomes, such as on-time graduation, postsecondary degree attainment, and participation in the workforce. This group of presentations examine educational predictors and long-term outcomes using data from the MLDS, which collects data from multiple state agencies, allowing for analysis of student outcomes over time and across life stages (e.g., from secondary school to postsecondary to the workforce). Increasing the understanding of the relationship between these predictors and outcomes in the context of Maryland schools can assist policymakers and stakeholders with implementing and supporting programs or policies that can improve outcomes for students
- E-ZPass or Toll Booth: LInking Student Address Census Data (NCES STATS-DC Conference, Aug. 2023)
- Building a Collaborative Research Agenda to Inform Decision-Making in Maryland (Ways and Means Briefing, Mar. 2020)
- Making the Most of FARMS Data to Explore Effects of Student and School Poverty (Maryland Connections Summit, June 2018)
- Selecting Data to SOAR (Maryland Connections Summit, June 2018)
- Which Came First? The Dashboard or the Population? (NCES STATS-DC Conference, Aug. 2017)
These presentations explore the MLDS Center data including 1) how the data are maintained and analyzed and 2) how findings are disseminated to stakeholders. The MLDS Center focuses on cross-sector analysis, or what happens to students before and after critical transitions, such as from K-12 to postsecondary education, with the goal of producing relevant information and informing decisions to improve Maryland student and workforce outcomes.
- Handling Student Mobility in Educational Research (Presentation at Stats DC, August 2021)
- Applying Longitudinal Data Analysis Methods to Examine Poverty as a Predictor of Wage Trajectories (Morgan State University, Oct. 2019)
- Applying Longitudinal Data Analysis Methods to Examine Poverty as a Predictor of Wage Trajectories (NCES STATS-DC Conference, July 2019)
- Using Big Data to Inform Prevention Science in Maryland (SPR Conference, May 2019)
- Prevalence and Statistical Modeling of Multiple Membership in a Statewide Longitudinal Data System (AERA Conference, Apr. 2019)
- Using Propensity Score Methods with Statewide Administrative Data to Inform Education and Workforce Policy in Maryland (SRCD Conference, Oct. 2018)
- Program Evaluation in the Absence of Randomization: How Can Propensity Score Methods Help? (Maryland Connections Summit, June 2018)
- Facilitating Prevention Science in Education Settings: An Example Using Statewide Linked Longitudinal Data from Maryland’s Education System and the Workforce (SPR Conference, May 2018)
- Dual Enrollment in Maryland: Using Propensity Scores to Strengthen Program Evaluation with State Longitudinal Data (NCES STATS-DC Conference, Aug. 2017)
The MLDS is a longitudinal administrative data system which contains linked longitudinal data from state agencies and external sources. The MLDS Center works to apply and expand advanced statistical methods, such as propensity score analysis and multiple membership modeling, which puts the MLDS Center at the forefront of new developments in state-wide longitudinal data analysis. The presentations in this section examine the utilization of administrative data for research as well as the application of advanced statistical methods to research conducted using a statewide longitudinal data system.
- Synthetic Data as a Strategy for Expanding Access to Linked Administrative Data in Prevention Science (SPR, June 2021)
- The MLDS Synthetic Data Project (SLDS Projects that Support Sustainability, Dec. 2020)
- Balancing Data Privacy and Utility: Benefits and Challenges in Developing a Synthetic Version of the Maryland SLDS (NCES STATS-DC Conference, July 2019)
- MLDS Synthetic Data Project: An Evaluation (JSM Conference, July 2019)
- The Effect of Correlated Clusters on Parameter Estimates in Multiple Membership Models (AERA Conference, Apr. 2019)
- Modeling Student Mobility Using Hierarchical Networks (Multilevel Conference, Apr. 2019)
- Design and Analytic Implications in Modeling Student Mobility Across Correlated Schools (SREE Conference, Mar. 2019)
- Estimating Attrition in School-Based Evaluation Studies: Guidance from State Longitudinal Data in Maryland (SREE Conference, Mar. 2019)
The Synthetic Data Project (SDP) was proposed and implemented by the Research Branch of the MLDS Center and was funded by the Institute of Education Sciences through the Maryland State Department of Education. Synthetic data statistically mimic the data in the MLDS, but do not contain any information from individuals in the MLDS. The goal of producing synthetic data is to balance confidentiality with data access. These presentations describe the development of the synthetic data sets and the evaluation of synthetic data for research use.
- MLDSC 101
- Graduates Five Years Later
- Teachers
- Research Round-up
- Series Wrap-Up
This first session provides an overview about the organization, placement and governance of the MLDS, a review of available data in the MLDS, and an understanding of how data are used and secured. The session also provides examples of how the MLDS has been used to inform policy and decision making.
The Career Preparation and Expansion Act requires the MLDS Center to annually produce a report that analyzes the outcomes of high school graduates five years after high school completion. Since that time, the MLDS Center has conducted similar analyses of Associate’s Degree Graduates, GED/NEDP Completers, Apprenticeship Program Completers, and Bachelor’s Degree Graduates. This session reviews the findings of these reports and discusses policy implications.
The MLDS Center is involved in research and reporting on various aspects of teachers, including analyzing the pipeline from college to employment, out-of-school employment trends among teachers, and various reporting on teacher placement, employment and attrition. This session focuses on the findings from these various research and reporting outputs.
The MLDS Research Branch provides a survey of several research reports and analyses conducted using Center data. The researchers present their work and explain the findings, the implications for policymakers, and how the MLDS data allowed them to undertake novel analyses.
The final session provides an overview of how other key stakeholders have used the MLDS to support their research and analytic needs. The session also provides an overview of new data sources being added to the MLDS and how those data will provide important avenues for research and analysis.