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Each Year, Maryland has an average of 20,000 computing job openings, which is projected to increase over the next five years. While the number of college graduates with computer science (CS) related degrees has increased steadily, with approximately 2,500 graduate degrees, 4,800 bachelor's degrees, and 1,700 lower level awards conferred in 2018-2019, these numbers still fall short of the projected workforce needs. Efforts to strategically increase diversity at each education level has the potential to increase the number of students who pursue computing careers. These dashboards explore the changes in computing course enrollment by Maryland public high school students and their initial college enrollment, highlighting student declaration of a computer science or a computing related major in college.Data is presented at the state and local school system level with further disaggregation by student group as well as summary information at the school level. These dashboards were created as a special project of the Maryland Center for Computing Education (MCCE) with the use of data from the Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center (MLDSC).