This Information Brief highlights findings in the MLDS Center research report, Brain Drain in Maryland: Exploring Student Movement from High School to Postsecondary Education and the Workforce. .
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Research and Reporting Summaries Research and Reporting Summaries provide a concise reports on larger research initiatives conducted by the Center and highlight important education and workforce outcomes for policymakers and other stakeholders. |
The Maryland Longitudinal Data System (MLDS) Center and the Governor’s Workforce Development Board (GWDB) are required to annually produce the Career Preparation Expansion Act report on the wages and sector of employment of high school graduates for the five-year period after graduation. This supplement to the report focused on high school graduates who continued on to college and either graduated with a degree or discontinued their education without graduating, have student loans, and are fully engaged in the workforce five years after high school.
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This Research Spotlight is a summary of the MLDS Research Report on Student and School Concentrated Poverty in Maryland. That report examined the roles of student and school level poverty and race/ethnicity on long-term educational and career outcomes.
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This Research Spotlight is a summary of the MLDS Research Report on High School Persisters in Maryland.
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For the Future . .
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